
Divide and Conquer


What makes different from the Democrats, Republicans and the Libertarians is that we don’t push an ideological agenda. Rather, we open up the debate to include all sides of every argument- and then use online polling to resolve our intramural differences and arrive at a course of action a plurality of us can support. Not just a majority, that’s not good enough.
We’re trying to make direct democracy possible with previously unavailable technology. If an issue is very divisive- like abortion, guns, homosexuality, etc- we can choose to leave it alone. We can pledge to our constituents that we will support “no change” to the laws with respect to these issues.
This was the strategy employed by the Founders with respect to their most divisive issue in their time- religion. The government pledged to “….make no laws with respect to the establishment of religion…”- the “establishment clause” in the First Amendment. Protestants and Catholics couldn’t legally persecute each other in the new Nation. It was “off the table”. Within a century the rest of the Christian world did the same, and 300 years of war over religion came to an end. Perhaps the Muslims could come to the same conclusion- if they had the opportunity.
The Republicans and the Democrats divide up the electorate roughly in half, intentionally. Their strategy is “divide and conquer”. They argue about emotional issues -like abortion, guns, race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc- in order to force Americans to take sides, and neutralize each other- and impose gridlock on the entire system.
Some Americans who distrust the government think that gridlock is good- it restricts the government’s power to oppress. Others, like us, would like to see the government function to serve The People- be responsive to the demands of The People. We see gridlock as a tool of the plutocracy- which supplies the money to manipulate the election process to disenfranchise The People, subvert the Constitutional intent of elections- control the leaders, the laws, the foreign policy, the nation’s priorities- to maintain their hegemony, impair competition.
Because the Democrats and the Republicans attack each other so voraciously at election time, the electorate assumes they’re actually competitors- and each will keep the other “honest”. Somehow the “will of the people” will miraculously emerge through their system. We would like to be able to demonstrate this is an illusion- actually a deception- scientifically.
The Trump campaign took campaign polling to a new level. Rather than use polls as a typical transparent propaganda vehicle, Trump employed the strategy of sending out good polls to their select group of supporters from whom they could expect to get the results they wanted. He also scored points with voters by being willing to ask the important questions and give the poll-taker the opportunity to give a satisfying response. That’s new.
Then, Trump could process the polls and tailor his message to his target audience, but at the same time he could ignore the results at his leisure- and those who took his polls might assume he was responding to the “will of the people”- and support him for that reason alone. It was a very good strategy, and I think it won him the election. His opponent shrouded herself in secrecy at the same time he was demonstrating transparency. It was masterful, if deceptive.
So, we took Trump’s campaign polls- the ones we could capture, and publish them on our website. Now they’re ours, and everyone can access them. We can process them and publish the results, and thereby put a finger on the pulse of the nation. Except for his first one, which was a typical biased political poll- they are very good polls.
We’ll create even better ones in real time as our leaders have to make decisions about current events which affect everyone, and process them fast- and publish the results in time to influence
these decisions. That is our primary stock in trade, why you should send us money and volunteer your time and effort and promote us with your friends, neighbors and family.
The effect this can have is that the political real estate currently controlled by the plutocracy using the “divide and conquer” strategy abetted by the parties will become opened up to democracy. Were the electorate to be enabled to choose whether we wish to continue with current policy- or not- with respect to the military, taxation, prohibition, entitlements, policing, incarceration, etc… would we make the same choices? Perhaps we would, but perhaps we wouldn’t.
I have my own opinions, which I’m willing to share with anyone interested. But this isn’t about me trying to promote my own opinions. This is about increasing democracy in America, and around the world. Libertarians promote world peace through free trade, open borders, limited government, rule of law with their strictly defined ideology. New Libertarians think The People of all nations want those same things for themselves- and would choose them freely, if they could. People don’t need to be told what they want, and coerced to do it- rather they should be asked and choose freely.
We believe that The People would choose democracy enabled by clean, transparent, robust accountable government – and we want to make it available, even if the Plutocracy and their corrupt puppet Democrats and Republicans don’t like it. We expect many current Libertarians will see the wisdom in supporting us, too.

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2 + 14 =

The electorate is divided 50/50 over “Hot Button Issues” which never change- election to election. The “sound and fury signifying nothing” results in stalemate which is an effective cover for corruption. Each can blame the other, neither is accountable…
